
Annual Notices

Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act Enrollment Notice

The document informs participants of their right to certain benefits following a mastectomy

Women's Health

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Notice

Must be provided annually to eligible employees. It describes the employee's and any dependents' right to enroll in the plan at a later date if they lose eligibility for medicaid or CHIP or become eligible for state premium assistance. The notice is only required to be distributed to eligible employees who live in states that have state premium assistance programs.

CHIP Notice

ACA Health Insurance Marketplace

This form is for anyone that is thinking about moving to a Marketplace Exchange insurance plan

ACA Health Insurance Marketplace


USERRA Protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster Medical System


HIPAA Notice of Special Enrollment Rights

To eligible individuals notifies of special enrollment rights such as if you declined benefits during open enrollment, under certain circumstances you can become eligible for our plan coverage during the year.


Newborns and Mothers Health Protection Act

To eligible individuals notifies eligible participants of Federal Laws surrounding hospital stays.

Newborns & Mothers

Medicare Credible Coverage

To eligible individuals it notifies participants as to whether the plan's prescription drug coverage is credible compared to Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. In other words, is the group prescription drug coverage equal or better than the prescription benefits under Medicare Part D. This has a deadline of October 15, to give out to employees.

Medicare Model Notice

COBRA Notice

Offers COBRA eligible members the opportunity to enroll. If COBRA triggering event has occurred, within 44 days of termination of employment, employee death, reduction of hours, within 14 days of notification of divorce or child aging out.

COBRA Model Notice

401(k) Notices